Who are you?

Intelligent and wise thoughts have been around for ages. You're essentially echoing ideas that have been voiced by others before.

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What do you see?

Everything you see around you is just a movie.

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You worry about the future and regret the past so often that you forget to be grateful for and appreciate what you have today.

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Freedom You don't own anything in this world. As soon as you start to think that something belongs to you and you become attached to it, you immediately have problems and stress.

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What is important to you?

What is important to you today? Family... work... fun... What will remain important to you if you lose it? Family... work... opportunity to have fun...

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1. The employee works and receives a salary 2. The entrepreneur works and pays the employee a salary

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Why blame yourself if you acted according to your conscience, did everything with the best intentions and to the limit of your capabilities?

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Is there really a choice or is it predetermined by my fate? The answer is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

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We're losing something

It seems to me that with the rapid development of science, we are also rapidly and elusively losing something.

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Все что с нами происходит случайность, до тех пор пока мы не увидим в этом закономерность.

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Все шло по твоим правилам. ТЫ что-то планировал и делал, куда-то спешил. Что-то делал успешно, а что-то не очень. И вдруг раз и ты оказался здесь.

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Насколько верно высказывание? - < В СПОРАХ РОЖДАЕТСЯ ИСТИНА >

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